• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 297 from 2003/5/20

    Amigaharry2 wrote:
    That may depend on Roadshow! With normal MOS 3.7 installation on PEG2/1GHz the best speed I got, was about 5-6MB/s....

    Netstack was upgraded in recent Morphos updates and should give comparable transfer rates to Roadshow.

    With a Powerbook G4 hocked up to a gigabit switch, Roadshow peaked at 33-34 megabytes/s copying a linux iso, using 68k samba 2.2.5 (not smbfs)
    This was from ramdisk to win7

    Morphos ram disk was accessed as a samba share on a Win7 pc connected to the same switch and I copied this linux iso both ways, transfer rate to ramdisk was over 25 megabytes/s, but I guess Morphos read/write performance differs on high network activity.

    With the new Netstack now in Morphos, one morphos dev (piru?) got 45-50 megabytes/s on local FTP transfers.
  • »19.11.14 - 13:39