• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 12097 from 2003/5/22
    From: Germany
    > OWB v1.24 [...] now seems to work with [...] StreetView

    Yes, but you have to use the new Google Maps (which modern browsers Google knows get automatically since February 2014) for the HTML5-based StreetView to work. The traditional Google Maps (which modern browsers Google doesn't know and old browsers get) complains about missing Flash when attempting to activate StreetView.
    OWB has apparently been working with the HTML5-based StreetView since when it was introduced (May 2013 invitation-only, July 2013 for everybody), so not just since OWB v1.24. In August 2013, boot_wb wrote about the then-recent OWB version (v1.20):

    "Sites based on html5 however will mainly work (unless using webGL), such as the html5 version of google streetview."
  • »16.04.14 - 20:20