• Moderator
    Posts: 2254 from 2003/2/24
    Those "boxed" versions of MorphOS aren just some standard DVD-cases and blank CD-Rs with some MorphOS-inspired GFX on a labeleling kit done by one (two) MorphOS-developer(s).

    Still don't see why these would be required. Back in 2002 when I got my Pegasos1 the package included a CD-R labeled by hand (MorphOS 1.0) and that worked as good as it worked.

    Wether ACube will at one point offer SAMs without OS4 or with/without included MorphOS-ey has nothing to do with boxed versions or not but all with what kind of contracts they have or not have signed with Hyperion and maybe later will sign with the MorphOS-team.

    As for the MacMini:
    - 32MB VRAM can be a real pain in the ..... depending on the resolution you plan to use
    - that 40GB HD will not only be small but also utterly slow and probraly even close to it's dead-bed, replacing it with anything bigger should be a worhwhile investment
    - there were never any free updates from one version of OSX to another prior to Mavericks, so yes you would need to obtain a Leopard-DVD. Those are insanly priced for one reason or another
    - wether one should use Tiger or Leopard on such limited HW is debatable

    "buy a HD with Leopard installed"
    Thats about as legal as just downloading a DVD-image somewhere else (and that would atleast give you the option to change the install to your needs)

    "buy a 2nd HD for MorphOS"
    Not really a option with a MacMini.

    [ Edited by Kronos 24.01.2014 - 09:13 ]
  • »24.01.14 - 09:10