anyone fancy a render test?
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2013/12/31
    I’m interested in the render speed differences between the various available Amiga & Amiga-like platforms using Aladdin4D (m68k). Specifically would like to see which method is fastest. Is it ppc-G5? ppc-G4? some type of UAE? Some type of AROS?

    I’ll lead the charge here with FS-UAE on a MacIntel box.
    cpu = I7/2.66 nehalem, 8gb-RAM radeon-4870HD , osX mavericks 64bit
    FS-UAE emulation (osX version)
    Please try to match the resolutions and color depth in my example if possible.
    Please declare the platform and software environment if possible.
    Also if possible post a video capture of the test online.
  • »31.12.13 - 11:02
  • ASiegel
    Posts: 1376 from 2003/2/15
    From: Central Europe
    Using a 68k application as a benchmark for 68k, PowerPC and x86 series of processors seems somewhat pointless. Ideally, you would use a piece of software that is available as a native binary for all target processor architectures.

    Plus, Aladdin4D, in particular, is such an extremely old piece of software that it is unlikely to be properly optimized for some of the later 68K processors even (68060, for example).
  • »31.12.13 - 14:21
  • Jim
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
    From: Delaware, USA
    Yes, until a native version of Aladdin 4D is available, this test isn't very informative.
    All it will show is how well each system emulates an older 68k based system.

    And were native versions available, since the Intel Mac would be the fastest, it would have an obvious advantage.

    The primary advantage MorphOs would have is in running system calls natively.
    "Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"
  • »31.12.13 - 14:28
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 2 from 2013/12/31

    All it will show is how well each system emulates an older 68k based system

    That also is one of the primary factors I need to figure out as well.
    I am retrofitting the internals of my A3000 and want to refurb it to operate like a m68k Amiga, but superfast-ish.
    So the machine will again be an “Amiga-ish” thing when I finish. Just trying to make a decision on the new internals.

    (I have a hunch that x86 haswell/“crystalwell" will be the fastest ever by far)
  • »01.01.14 - 08:49