• Just looking around
    Posts: 15 from 2013/10/4
    From: Austria
    New Benchmark with MorphOS 3.4 - nice progress. ;) Thank you for the update - a big effort for the G5 user.

    PowerMac G5 ATI Radeon 9800 pro 256M Mac special Edition - MorphOS 3.4

    Quake III Arena
    GL Driver: Default
    Gl Extensions: On
    Video Mode: 1280x1024
    Color Depth: 32
    Fullscreen: on
    Lighting: Lightmap
    Geometric Detail: High
    Texture Detail: high
    Texture Quality: 32
    Texture Filter: Trilinear

    timedemo 18
    demo four.dm_68

    1260 frames 23 sec. 54.8 fps
    MorphOS 3.3
    1260 frames 44.1 sec. 28.6 fps
  • »15.12.13 - 22:08