• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 508 from 2003/4/11

    i just tested a Power Mac G4 against Power Mac G5 and in result
    the Power Mac G4 is faster.

    Just tested Quake3 first Arena both with same detail setup.
    The G4 renders 24 fps and the G5 just did 20 fps.

    The G4 system: Power Mac 3,6@1,42 GHz, Radeon 9000 RV 250 64 MB
    The G5 system: Power Mac 7,8@2,0 GHZ, Radeon 9600X RV 360 128 MB

    Well the cpu as well as the gfx card should be much faster than the G4 system.
    But it isn't?!

    What's going on?

    For a game like Quake 3, what really matters is the memory bandwidth of the graphics card. It's not clear which graphics cards you have exactly, but Radeon 9000 models and Radeon 9600 models have roughly the same amount of memory bandwidth, and the fastest Radeon 9000 model has 2.75 times as much memory bandwidth as the slowest 9600 model.
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  • »20.09.13 - 18:36
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