Riguardo al tuo ultimo Thread in cui chiedevi se era possibile mettere un A500 dentro a un Case PC (anche se ti ho già risposto lì) ho cercato nei miei link preferiti e ho trovato anche questi siti che possono essere utili se trovi Amiga di seconda mano:
[In english language to help international readers to undestand this post:]
Regarding your last thread in which you ask how to fit old A500 in PC Case (even If I answered you in that thread) I searched my links and find these other pages regarding extreme amiga modding. They could be useful if you can find second hand amigas.
A1200 Portable (Portable means no laptop)
A1200 Car Computer + CD Reader + MP3 + navigation help program (Amiatlas) http://amimpc.world3.net/
A600 Car Computer + CD reader + MP3 + navigation help (Amiatlas)
Hope you all will find useful these links and more...
...Only by checking these pages I wondered that there are no Amiga GPS localization programs.
Is out there any project to port any GPL Navigation progs into AmigaOS or MorphOS?