Posts: 694 from 2003/2/24
Ok people,
my this old post of July (..reflect on this..
) seems to be really actual now. We spoke alot about this and I think it's actually arrived the moment to do something concrete.
We don't want the hard Work of David Gerber, Stefan Stuntz, Oliver Wagner and the others go into the trashcan. The actual (old..) situation is really fuc***g sad, but we should react, it's useless to cry and say "OK, MorphOS is died, people come back all to your houses". We do not accept this. I also know that our money will never be enough to repay your work, but in eveycase I am sure you have right to have it.
Now I try to ask this to the above developers, what do you prefer between:
1 - Release the actual shot of MorphOS (what ever it is called, 1.45 - 1.5 - 1.6 ...) and ask us to pay 50-100 Euro for it.
2 - Receve free donations from all us trought a donation system/paypal acccount or similar?
I fear we will not receive answers from you so in this case I would choose to start to act as number 2. For this reason I ask here who is able to seriously organize a payng/donating method in a resonable time. I remember Targhan told he could do something..
To be sincere me has not idea from where to start.
[ Edited by Miky060 on 2004/11/15 18:45 ]