• Cocoon
    Posts: 50 from 2023/9/19

    The first problem, the installation complaining about not enough free space, is because the version of Installer on the Wordworth disk is too old. It can't properly detect the amount of free space above a certain amount, so the number overflows and wraps around to a negative number. It can be overcome by changing the default tool on the install icon to a newer version of Installer (at least v43, see Aminet). Either point it to a newer version on your hard drive or replace the Installer on the Wordworth disk (a copy of the disk, of course). The other options are to install to a smaller partition, as you did, or to fill up a partition to the point where there's less free space.

    From : https://forum.amiga.org/index.php?topic=75017.msg851073#msg851073
  • »12.04.24 - 19:40