Toto wrote:
Well guys get off your high horses, I said original so obviously I've paid for those.
I'm all for paying for stuff that I find important and have no problem doing so, I've donated to several MorphOS projects I found usefull and paid for Amiga software like MUI, WHDLoad, XBench, etc over the years.
You can go ballistic all you want but a certain company I was revering to is milking the Amiga comunity like there is no tomorrow. If the sheeps want to pay for an Amiga rebranded turd then so be it but I won't.
BTW I've never ever asked money for anything I've released Amiga related!
Mmhhh, just a thought, you holier-than-thou guys might be even using one of my themes/ports/icons/backdrops right now ;)
Hypocrites, that's all theres left to say.
Nope, not using any of your software, so the hypocrite remark is way off base when aimed at me. I have paid for all the Amiga software I own, except for a handful of 1.3 Amiga games I got from a friend the first week I owned my A1000. After that I have never copied any Amiga software from any other user, or website.
My comment was aimed at the attitude conveyed in your message, and not meant to be a direct accusation against your own private practices when it comes to software piracy. I feel that there are just too many current and former Amiga users who think that software should be freeware, or shareware, instead of letting the programmers choose what price to put on their work.
I don't know which company you are referring to, but I don't believe any remaining companies in this tiny Amiga market are "milking" the community. If you don't like their prices, you don't buy what they are selling, simple as that. No one, and I mean NO ONE, is getting rich selling anything remotely related to the Amiga any more.
WB_Coder = Wanna Be Coder