• Just looking around
    Posts: 12 from 2006/10/7
    While I was trying to port m68k code (a software interrupt) I got the
    response of a tester that the code in question was not executed,
    although a noticeable slow down on the part of the OS could be
    noticed. Before I grope in the dark and confront him with different
    approaches, I decided first to exclude my private speculation.

    I post here the relevant code snippet and the question.


    static const struct EmulLibEntry irqgate =
    TRAP_LIB, 0, (void (*)()) code_entry_morphos

    INTERRUPT long code_entry_morphos( void)
    struct mydata *md = (APTR) REG_A1;
    ASM SAVEDS INTERRUPT long code_entry(
    REG(a1, struct mydata *md) )
    struct timerequest *tr;

    if ( (tr = (struct timerequest *)
    RemHead( &md->irqport->mp_MsgList)) )
    tr->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
    tr->tr_time.tv_micro = md->timeout;
    BeginIO( &tr->tr_node);
    ...normal work is done here...

    #if defined(__MORPHOS__)
    REG_SR |= 4; /* Set virual Z flag */

    return 0;

    A part of the initialisation looks like this,


    #if defined(__MORPHOS__)
    md->timer_irq->is_Code = (void (*)()) &irqgate;
    md->timer_irq->is_Code = (void (*)()) code_entry;
    md->irqport->mp_Flags = PA_SOFTINT;

    Now my questions, what to put in mp_Sigtask?


    a) md->irqport->mp_SigTask = (struct Task *) md->timer_irq;

    as used for m68k, or


    b) md->irqport->mp_SigTask = (struct Task *) &irqgate;

    The interrupt is started as followed,

    /* Start one time, rest managed by interrupt code */
    md->request->tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
    md->request->tr_time.tv_micro = md->timeout;
    BeginIO( &md->request->tr_node);

    Can someone enlighten me?

    Thanks in advance.
  • »13.01.11 - 20:52