• jPV
  • Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2119 from 2003/2/24
    From: po-RNO

    NewSense wrote:
    @ jPV - That is handy :-D . . . but when did the asterisk (*) have the gaul to become an "Amiga" wildcard ! 8-)

    As Ambient is highly inspired by DOpus5, this feature is also copied directly from it. I guess DOpus5 developers didn't want to have too complex rename patterns, and to keep things a bit simplier they chose this dummy wildcard from other platforms instead of the more versatile wildcard solution from Amiga.

    Here's what DOpus5.guide tells:

    A limited type of wildcard rename is possible. Entering an '*' in the
    bottom field allows you to add prefixes or suffixes. For instance, entering
    '*.pic' will add a '.pic' suffix to all selected entries. Entering 'A*'
    will add an A prefix. Only one '*' may be used in this process.

    You cannot give a file a name that contains a '*'.

    If you enter an '*' in the top as well as the bottom field, you can replace
    sections of the name. For example, entering '*.pic' in the top Field and
    '*.iff' in the bottom Field will replace the '.pic' suffix in that entry
    that has one with a '.iff' suffix. If an entry does not have a '.pic'
    suffix, it will be left untouched. The * may also be embedded. For
    instance, renaming 'FOO*BAZ' as 'GEE*WIZ' would rename 'FOOBARBAZ' to
    'GEEBARWIZ'. Again, only one '*' may be used in each of the string fields.


    If you want, at a later time/date, to remove the prefix or the suffix, can this be achieved as easily using Rename?

  • »09.09.24 - 16:49
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