• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 421 from 2003/2/24
    From: Berlin

    jPV wrote:
    And for some reason, when I iconify a MultiView window with WinAction, I get two icons on the desktop. One icon displays "Multiview" as its name and another displays the document name. If I iconify the window manually, I only get one icon with the document name.

    Hmm, strange, I only set MUIA_Application_Iconified to TRUE to iconify an app.

    Here is v1.4 of WinAction.
    If the app of a window can't be found, it now tries to use the given name as basename
    to find the app object.
    f.e. WinAction EASY2INSTALL.1 I

    iconifies the Easy2Install app.
    It can also be used to UnIconify the app!

    09-Aug-2024: v1.4
    Chg: ICONIFY: if the MUI app of a window can't be found, use the NAME
    argument as the basename of a MUI app to find its app object
    Finally Easy2Install can be iconified;)
    This also can be used to Uniconify a MUI app!
    NEW: LIST now also shows a list of MUI apps, the second entry is the basename
  • »09.08.24 - 19:15
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