• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    beworld wrote:
    Hi all !

    Is it possible to support the GL_BGRA format for the glTexImage2D input and glReadPixels output ?

    We need this possibility to continue our tests with SDL 2 RENDERER.

    SDL2's State :

    Thanks you


    [ Edité par beworld 19.03.2020 - 14:38 ]

    Although a few of the MorphOS Dev. Team members post forum messages on this site, I don't think that asking for specific graphic support here is the best place to get a quick response. Don't you think that trying to post this question to the official MorphOS website, or to several of the email addresses for certain MorphOS Dev. Team members shown on the official site, would be a better place to send your question?

    Unless I am not understanding your question correctly (which wouldn't be the first or last time for me), what you are asking can only be added to the core of MorphOS by the team members working on the video card drivers. Bigfoot would probably be the best team member to send this request to, IMHO.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »19.03.20 - 18:36