• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 2971 from 2003/3/5
    From: Canada
    Internally the runloop/application setup all the global & per thread pointers that makes things work under the hood. They also allocate a base OBAutoreleasePool for you and deal with signalling, etc. So those 3 steps: allocating an OBApplication, running it and freeing as the last thing you release are mandatory.

    Another thing that'll be fixed in Flow: in the project I've linked to, the DEBUG target links -lob_debug.framework and -lmui_debug.framework - these perform a lot of additional checks and will also tell you which objects you've leaked at the time of OBApplication's dealloc.

    There's no NSLog equivalent - use kprintf.
  • »08.05.18 - 01:05
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