• Caterpillar
    Posts: 31 from 2015/11/28
    From: usa

    amigadave wrote:
    I had spent lots of time thinking about learning C/C++ first, because of the huge amount of use, in Amiga legacy/history (as well as the huge amount of C/C++ use on all other platforms) and the great amount of examples and written tutorials and teaching books available, both specifically for the Amiga, and generally for all platforms. I have SAS/C manuals in great condition, as well as a purchased "new package" of Storm/C (version 4 I think) & Mesa, used copies of Aztec/C, & Manx/C (was Aztec & Manx the same thing? Can't remember),"back-in-the-day".

    I purchased D.I.C.E back in the day, 4 floppies and pdf if I remember correctly.
    Very shortly after I bought it, Matt Dillon went to work at Dragonfly BSD , so
    I never started learning C. I stopped with three different Basics and
    motorola 6502/6510 op-code .
    Bought Jim Butterfield's m68k book, but I've lost it since XD.
    So lately I've just been messing with the Shenzhen I/O game
    when I feel any urge to program something,
    M$ buys GitHub?
    'Bout time to panic
  • »19.06.17 - 03:40