Acolyte of the Butterfly
Posts: 138 from 2015/3/31
thanks for the feedback. Do not hesitate to report errors/problems you find. It's still very alpha and with your reports you can steer the direction of development ;)
@Blasterreal: The installed linux is based on Ubuntu and I use personally Ubuntu at home. To install the complete package is not trivial I started a how to for AROS crossinstall.
Manual for crossinstaller AROSfor MorphOS will be rather the same. just "OS_TARGET=morphos CPU_TARGET=powerpc" instead "OS_TARGET=aros CPU_TARGET=i386" and you have to change the lazarus git brnach to lazarus-morphos
But take care, the manual is not finished, only if you have a deeper understanding of Linux you should try.
[ Edited by ALB42 25.04.2016 - 19:55 ]