Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 538 from 2003/2/25
From: France
tolkien wrote:
Hello mates.
I want to put some audio to a few things using Reggae. For now I can play sounds but would like to modify the buffer (some kind of fx) but don´t know how to get the sound buffer.
Thanks in advance.
Look at the MMM_Pull method. It has a buffer pointer to fetch the data to. You'll get the data but out of the processing pipeline of Reggae. Use a memory stream to feed the data back to audio.output.
This method isn't really 'smart' because such filter should in fact be inserted directly in the processing pipeline of Reggae.
When you instanciate a pipeline with NewMediaObjectTags, Reggae does all the 'magic' by itself. It figures out what is needed to decode a stream of data:
[ -> (some black decoding magic) ] -> output to connect to something usefull
Generaly, you connect the returned object to an audio.output object that pulls the data to feed the audio driver.
Then, if you want to apply a filter to the stream, you have to create a custom Reggae class that will be inserted between the NewMediaObjectTags and the .output.
[ -> (decoding magic) ] -> custom.filter -> audio.output
Here is an expunged custom class taken from SoundBankster. It will not compile or work as is. You'll need to figure out the missing bits here and there.
At least, it features mostly everything needed to create a custom Reggae class for audio. Hope this help.
#define __NOLIBBASE__
#include <exec/tasks.h>
#include <classes/multimedia/sound.h>
#include <proto/intuition.h>
#include <proto/utility.h>
#include <proto/multimedia.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "bankster_custom.h"
#include "mcc_deck.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "log.h"
extern struct Library *SysBase, *IntuitionBase, *UtilityBase, *MultimediaBase;
Class *customClass;
IPTR Dispatcher(void);
const struct EmulLibEntry Gate = {TRAP_LIB, 0, (void(*)(void))customDispatcher};
struct Data
LONG channels;
LONG samplerate;
LONG bitsperchannel;
LONG volume;
ULONG FormatTable[2] = { MMFC_AUDIO_INT16, 0 };
Class *CreateClass(void)
Class *cl;
if ((cl = MakeClass(NULL, (STRPTR)"multimedia.class", NULL, sizeof(struct customData), 0)))
cl->cl_Dispatcher.h_Entry = (HOOKFUNC)&Gate;
cl->cl_UserData = NULL;
customClass = cl;
return cl;
void DeleteClass(void)
if (customClass) FreeClass(customClass);
IPTR New(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct opSet *msg)
Object *newobj = NULL;
if ((obj = (Object*)DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, (Msg)msg)))
struct customData *d = (struct customData*)INST_DATA(cl, obj);
struct TagItem *tag, *tagptr = msg->ops_AttrList;
/* Master mixing output */
if(DoMethod(obj, MMM_AddPort, 0))
DoMethod(obj, MMM_SetPort, 0, MMA_Port_Type, MDP_TYPE_INPUT);
/* Line mixing output */
if(DoMethod(obj, MMM_AddPort, 1))
DoMethod(obj, MMM_SetPort, 1, MMA_Port_Type, MDP_TYPE_OUTPUT);
DoMethod(obj, MMM_SetPort, 1, MMA_Port_FormatsTable, &FormatTable);
DoMethod(obj, MMM_SetPort, 1, MMA_Port_Format, MMFC_AUDIO_INT16);
/* defaults */
d->samplerate = 44100;
d->channels = 2;
d->volume = 65536;
while ( (tag = NextTagItem(&tagptr)) != NULL)
case MMA_Sound_SampleRate:
d->samplerate = tag->ti_Data;
case MMA_Sound_Channels:
d->channels = tag->ti_Data;
case MMA_Sound_Volume:
d->volume = tag->ti_Data;
newobj = obj;
if (!newobj) CoerceMethod(cl, obj, OM_DISPOSE);
return (IPTR)newobj;
IPTR Dispose(Class *cl, Object *obj, Msg msg)
struct Data *d = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
return DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, msg);
IPTR customSet(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct opSet *msg)
struct customData *d = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
int tagcount = 0;
struct TagItem *tag, *tagptr = msg->ops_AttrList;
while ((tag = NextTagItem(&tagptr)))
tagcount += DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, (Msg)msg);
return tagcount;
IPTR customGet(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct opGet *msg)
struct customData *d = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
int rv = FALSE;
ULONG *store;
store = msg->opg_Storage;
DoMethod(obj, MMM_LockObject);
switch (msg->opg_AttrID)
case MMA_Sound_BitsPerSample:
*store = 16;
rv = TRUE;
case MMA_Sound_Channels:
*store = d->channels;
rv = TRUE;
case MMA_Sound_SampleRate:
*store = d->samplerate;
rv = TRUE;
case MMA_ObjectName:
*store = (LONG)"custom class of your own";
rv = TRUE;
rv = (DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, (Msg)msg));
DoMethod(obj, MMM_UnlockObject);
return rv;
IPTR customSetup(__unused Class *cl, __unused Object *obj, __unused struct mmopSetup *msg)
BOOL status = FALSE;
case 0:
status = TRUE;
case 1:
status = TRUE;
return status;
IPTR customPull(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct mmopPull *msg)
struct customData *d = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
LONG bytes;
bytes = DoMethod(obj, MMM_PrePull, msg->Port, (ULONG)msg->Buffer, msg->Length);
if (bytes == MMM_PREPULL_NOT_DONE)
DoMethod(obj, MMM_PostPull, msg->Port, (ULONG)msg->Buffer, bytes);
return bytes;
IPTR customGetPort(Class *cl, Object *obj, struct mmopGetPort *msg)
struct customData *d = INST_DATA(cl, obj);
DoMethod(obj, MMM_LockObject);
case MMA_Sound_BitsPerSample:
*msg->Storage = 16;
res = TRUE;
case MMA_Sound_Channels:
*msg->Storage = d->channels;
res = TRUE;
case MMA_Sound_SampleRate:
*msg->Storage = d->samplerate;
res = TRUE;
case MMA_Sound_Volume:
*msg->Storage = d->volume;
res = TRUE;
case MMA_StreamPosBytes:
case MMA_StreamLength:
case MMA_StreamSeekable:
case MMA_ErrorCode:
res = GetAttr(msg->Attribute, obj, msg->Storage);
res = DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, (Msg)msg);
DoMethod(obj, MMM_UnlockObject);
return res;
IPTR customDispatcher(void)
Class *cl = (Class*)REG_A0;
Object *obj = (Object*)REG_A2;
Msg msg = (Msg)REG_A1;
switch (msg->MethodID)
case OM_NEW: return (customNew(cl, obj, (struct opSet*)msg));
case OM_DISPOSE: return (customDispose(cl, obj, msg));
case OM_SET: return (customSet(cl, obj, (struct opSet*)msg));
case OM_GET: return (customGet(cl, obj, (struct opGet*)msg));
case MMM_Setup: return (customSetup(cl, obj, (struct mmopSetup*)msg));
case MMM_Pull: return (customPull(cl, obj, (struct mmopPull*)msg));
case MMM_GetPort: return (customGetPort(cl, obj, (struct mmopGetPort*)msg));
default: return (DoSuperMethodA(cl, obj, msg));