• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 167 from 2009/11/26
    Today (5th March 2012) I have uploaded a new PortablE beta of my modernised AmigaE programming language. While development has moved slower, I have still made a lot of bug fixes, plus added some new features:

    * The Amiga installer has been greatly improved. It uses choice requesters, it has a Simple Installation mode, you can finally change the PEmodules assignment, and more. Thanks to Hypex for suggestions!

    * Added some new functions to the cGfx & cGfxSprites modules.

    * cGui windows now receive a close request when Exchange tries to remove the app.

    * cSnd has been heavily rewritten, and should be rock-solid (not that I noticed a problem before).

    * cPath now properly supports soft & hard links.

    * Added support for AmigaOS4's application.library .

    * Greatly improved memory handling; no-longer becomes very slow in certain situations, won't crash when allocation requests fail (ouch), and also handles low-memory situations better.

    * On AmigaOS4 executable sizes have been reduced by up to 60-120KB, thanks to an OS4 SDK discovery made by Kas1e.

    * cGfx's drawCircle() now works correctly.

    * Fixed various small bugs.

    I have also replaced the "Shadow Of The Beast like" demo with one that is much closer to the original game.
    Author of the PortablE programming language.
    It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a grue...
  • »05.03.12 - 17:16
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