• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 580 from 2003/2/24
    From: finland, the l...

    I'm only interested in PPC executables and I thought InternalLoadSeg() would have been a much better solution than the work-around I'm considering..

    Loading ELF executables requires seeking, something which InternalLoadSeg doesn't provide.


    I've had no trouble using LoadSeg() with PPC programs so I figure first, allocate a 16MB block of memory, go through the remaining memory list and allocate everything, release the first block and then just use LoadSeg() to get those two executables into the same space. Not nice but it'd probably work.

    While extremely hacky, in theory this should work, assuming you use the proper API to query the free memory areas (SYSTEMINFOTYPE_FREEBLOCKS).

    However, I still wouldn't recommend this.

    May I ask why is it necessary to load two executables like this?
  • »25.01.11 - 10:15