Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 404 from 2014/6/11
From: Germany
Quote:ALB42 wrote:
just for curious, what exactly are you missing at freepascal?
I dont want hinder you to use Oberon or so, but for sure they are not maintained currently, at freepascal you would have influence on the development or even you could change it yourself (complete open source).
And for MUI:
http://fpcamigawiki.alb42.de/index.php?title=MUI_Helpersorry for the noise
FreePascal is something I also still consider.
I'm looking for something that is more abstract than C where I don't need to fiddle around with strings and memory management as much as I have to in C.
The beauty of Oberon is/was that it's a successor of Pascal (alright, I don't know which way FreePascal has come since it was introduced. I believe FreePascal has some influence from Delphi regarding object-orientation, etc.).
It is clean in terms of data types language options and it it statically typed.
It doesn't require a whole lot of hardware resources.
And since those Vampire cards the m68k stuff has gotten some life expansion.
[ Edited by asrael22 28.07.2017 - 19:33 ]