• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 265 from 2006/8/31

    r-tea wrote:
    I tried to make a simple digital clock using MUI window, but the result has a strange issue. The method SetAsString, which updates the text gadget displaying clock digits, stops updating right after I deactivate the window and remove the mouse pointer from over the window.
    Below is part of the loop.

    		while (running)
    time(&ptr_sec); //// gets data for digital clock
    h = localtime(&ptr_sec)->tm_hou
    m = localtime(&ptr_sec)->tm_min;
    s = localtime(&ptr_sec)->tm_sec;
    DoMethod(tx_clock, MUIM_SetAsString, MUIA_Text_Contents, "%02d:%02d:%02d", h, m, s);

    At First: Never Write anything in this Loop.
    Use notyfies .
    If you wish to build a clock , use window events and a trigger .
    Read the mui Tutorials in the Sdk.
    Spreedy - The spreedsheet editor of MorphOS
    Calimero - Do you know about the new DTP Program for MorphOS ?
  • »28.02.16 - 20:24