• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1218 from 2003/6/17
    Part 2..

    Why am I running 3.0 when 3.1.1 is out? Is 3.1.1 buggy and not supposed to be released? Meaning, 3.1.1 doesnt work for me on my G5 yet its available.

    when compiling windowtest.pas I get :
    windowtest.pas(6,22) Fatal: Cant find unit exec used by WindowTest.

    The error has to do with this line:
    Classes, SysUtils, exec, utility, intuition, gadtools, aGraphics;

    Also, is there a MorphOS specific FreePascal forum I can ask questions at? So far, this IDE is bad ass.

    [ Edited by TheMagicM 06.12.2015 - 14:33 ]
  • »06.12.15 - 20:23
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