• Yokemate of Keyboards
    Yokemate of Keyboards
    Posts: 2795 from 2006/3/21
    From: Northern Calif...

    connor wrote:
    With this news on hardware accelerated Radeons: http://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Quelloffene-Linux-3D-Treiber-bekommen-OpenGL-4-0-Unterstuetzung-2760942.html (sorry, German only but Gogole translate could do the job) I wondered if our Radeon driver are hardware accelerated, too, at least for 2D. Because when I grab a window on Ambient, hold down the left mouse button and throw the window around for some seconds then the CPU goes up to 100% on a 1.5GHz Mac mini. But just moving around a window should cost the CPU nothing. So it seems like the CPU does all the job instead of the GPU. Is that true? If yes, will it change at some point?

    You can check out the MorphOS website to see which video cards have 3D support.

    My limited understanding is that there is a subset of OpenGL called "TinyGL" which is built into MorphOS and many of the Radeon video cards support that subset of 3D commands. The new driver for the RadeonHD video card which is PCIe for use in the SAM460 does NOT yet have 3D support, and from what I have read, even it's 2D support is not completed, but soon will be.

    The next release of MorphOS should give us better 2D/3D support for at least one RadeonHD card (or family of cards), but I am not on the dev team, so I have no concrete info on the subject, only what I have heard from reliable sources.
    MorphOS - The best Next Gen Amiga choice.
  • »23.07.15 - 19:43