• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 460 from 2003/7/26
    From: Wroclaw/Poland

    jacadcaps wrote:
    The wide-char support in the compiler is very limited, sorry for that. Also, how would you display the output of wprintf if all the MorphOS GUI components do not handle wide-chars? In the end you will need to convert everything to the system code page.

    I create game for MorphOS in my small engine where all GUI elements are drawn using OpenGL. I use myown font (3D) system. So wide-strings limitations of MOS GUI aren't problem for me. Currently I am adding support for Unicode and I would like to use wide-strings. The game is compiled also for: iOS, OSX, Windows (and others OSs in future). So I prefer multiplatform techniques.

    Function wprintf isn't very important for me. If other functions for wide-strings work (e.g. reading strings from text file), I will be happy enough. :)

    Now I know that wide-string support is limited so I will test other functions.

    Thank you for help.
  • »12.05.14 - 13:06
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