• Paladin of the Pegasos
    Paladin of the Pegasos
    Posts: 1193 from 2003/2/24
    From: Helsinki, Finland

    itix wrote:
    Having Allegro wouldnt hurt but it should be ported as a shared library.

    While I agree that a shared library is more "clean" and generally better, I don't think there's THAT much point, when the amount of software is really low...

    I have found 2 allegro projects which I consider "would be really nice to have", and curiously enough, both of them happen to be Head over Heels remakes :-)


    Second is way better but closed source. Long ago I actually contacted the developer, and he clearly wasn't againist porting it to MorphOS, but said that it was using Allegro (which we didn't have, and couldn't port because of that), but he was in progress of rewriting the game with SDL instead, and told he would contact me when he's got it working. Probably he's been busy with other things then...
  • »26.02.14 - 23:02
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