• Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Acolyte of the Butterfly
    Posts: 111 from 2006/5/31
    From: Sweden

    boot_wb wrote:
    Filesysbox was released under APL in 2011, and since 3.0 (2012) it has been part of MorphOS.

    I can't find any link for the updated filesysbox sources, so was the MorphOS version in some way branched prior to filesysbox's APL release?

    I changed the license for the MorphOS version.
    I don't even have to ask anyones permission for that as
    I am the sole copyright holder of the sources.

    So: The MorphOS version is simply not covered by APL.
    Only the 0.730 version was.
  • »17.02.14 - 15:31