Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 4977 from 2009/1/28
From: Delaware, USA
Actually, I don't know if your problem is imagination, application, or a stubborn streak.
A lot can be done outside of the original intent of the OS' authors if nothing prevents it.
And, ASMP is only one potential solution to the issues you have mentioned.
The real trick to any of this is getting the result you want without bringing something else down.
Its a matter of transarency.
In one system I worked with, we created a driver for an onboard peripheral that inserted an extra memory read or write inseted during a period that the cpu wasn't able to access memory.
In another, we asserted a 6809 bus halt singal while a peripheral accessed system reasources, then elinquished it. Transparent to everything except the system clock (THAT was actually the harder work around).
For a third, we re-wrote system drivers to eliminate 68K ISA bus access so an NEC V20 could concerently run X86 applications, The 68K essentially, was aware of the V20 but not vice versa.
So, to wrap your imagination around it Andreas, think about this. The tactic is developing a work around the side steps the issue by having another process do it outside of normal OS resources or control.
Luckily there is no supervisory process under MorphOS.
If MorphOS ever runs under a hypervisor, well its still not impossible, just a lot harder.
I worked with one project on a OS-9 system where we created a low priority process that acted like a deamon. It roved around looking for dead proceses and removed them (when you've only got a limited amount of memory, you make sure you don't have any leaks).
This whole discussion points out a difference in the way you and I approach things.
You have always been very linear. So its inherent that when your told something is a limitation ou accept it.
I tend to jump around more and look for a hack that will circumvent the limitation.
And its worked for me in the past with hardware and software projects.
Considering your background with Amiga software and hardware, I am sure you have seen this approach before.
That probably expains why my Snow Leopard install isn't on Apple hardware.
If you doubt me, or if any of the developers questions the idea (which I doubt since I can see signs that they used this approach before), get me minimal kernel documentation and I will provide you an example.
[ Edited by Jim 26.05.2013 - 13:43 ]"Never attribute to malice what can more readily explained by incompetence"