Losing time
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    I have a PowerMac 3.1. (loaded with MorphOS 3.1. + PackUltimate 3.1. / No MacOS installed whatsoever). The problem I am facing the last couple of weeks is that after a boot, a MorphOS requester appears advising me to set the time and date (both have been reseted at 0:00:00 2001). Saving the current time, switching off and powering on, the problem still persists.

    I have a strong feeling that this is somewhat hardware related (perhaps battery drain?). Is that correct or it has to do with any OF setting?
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »11.03.13 - 13:27
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  • Moderator
    Posts: 2367 from 2003/2/24
    PMacs do have a rechargeable battery (same on G4 and G5) so it seems yours is dead.



    Note, the 2nd price is far to high, I'm I've seen them new and unopened for 5 or 6 Euro on German ebay (but can't find them atm).
  • »11.03.13 - 13:59
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 768 from 2011/11/30
    Ah, ok friend, I will order 2 batteries from the first link you posted (price seems reasonable). Do you know approx. shelf life of them? Btw, it seems that problem is spreading like a virus at my home since my beloved Dreamcast faces the same problem :( Anyway thanks for suggestion and confirmation :)

    [ Edited by Cool_amigaN 11.03.2013 - 17:45 ]
    Amiga gaming Tribute: Watch, rate, comment :)
  • »11.03.13 - 14:44
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