Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 765 from 2011/11/30
Yes I had my monitoring working correctly when not connected to the vga switch, actually if I unplug the VGA cable from the switcher, plug it to the monitor directly and reboot I get my usual 1280x1024 screenmode.
Anyway, when I go to Prefs/Screen it displays the following: "Ambient Radeon 9000 24Bit 1280x1024 Nox2" (1280x1024 is the old screenmode I was using, though I repeat, what I am actually seeing is 640x480 already).
If I edit it I only get two modes "Radeon9000: 16Bit 640x480 5x6x5 59.7Mhz" and "Radeon9000: 24Bit 640x480 8x8x8 59.7Mhz".
Btw it's a Radeon 9000 not 9200 as I wrongly stated in my opening message.
What should I do? I can't have two dedicated monitors for MOS and DC (there is not enough space available in my room)..
[ Edited by Cool_amigaN 17.11.2012 - 15:06 ]