Posts: 99 from 2005/9/1
From: Zagreb/Croatia
Why is so important faster CPU or GFX card, do we have any game or program which need more than G4 CPU. I don't mean emulators like DosBox or UAE where faster CPU is always better.
We have only old Quake3, just old fps counter for many Mos/Os4 users. Do we have even old games like HalfLife or Morrowind? No. What if X1000 will have 3GHz x 6 CPU with 1+ GB high end GFX card??? What we can do with such powerful hardware? Only count fps in Quake3 and say Os4 is better than Mos, look Q3=11012 fps.
I am more than happy with MacMini and Mos2.5. For available software more than enough.
We need more software for our platforms, more than powerful and expensive hardware.
Thank You developers/porters for all good stuff for our Amiga systems, and need more of You.
»29.06.10 - 12:37