Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 725 from 2003/2/20
I think it's stupid to compare the ultra optimised Quake3 MorphOS version and the AmigaOS4 version on X1000 with lot of debug outputs activated and PCIe ATI Radeon R700 graphic drivers under developement.
The only real X1000 problem is the price around 1800 euros.
The price will be the X1000 killer and there's not another reason to dont trust on X1000.
They cant sold the machine at this price. It's totaly unrealistic. There's only few rich persons able to buy it and Amiga community is very smal and closed.
They think about selling it to proffessional world, but AmigaOS4 dont have anything proffessional. The only proffessionnal software supported on AmigaOS4 is MUIbase and this application runs lot faster on an Intel 300 euros PC.
Which applications will they sell to proffessionnal world? Deluxpaint IV? old LightWave? Protracker or Octamed?
Oups, maybe OpenOffice for kids and Firefox. Hemmm they are free on other systems running with memory protection, ressource tracking blabla blabla.
It's the suicide of the best hardware planned since last 25 years.
[ Edited by serge on 2010/6/25 12:00 ]