Yokemate of Keyboards
Posts: 12127 from 2003/5/22
From: Germany
> do you use some kind of web surveilance tool, to automatically check for updates?
No, just a coincidence.
> now, you will answer with a link to myself asking this months ago
Wouldn't make any sense. I'd only respond with a link if I answered this question already.
> now I see MIPS based products, even!
Yes, they obviously complemented their Power Architecture and x86 based offerings with MIPS and ARM based products.
> Go figure what's that "1.7Gdmaps processor" in their laptop/tablet convertible
> LimePad E7F.
To be honest, I don't have the slightest clue what "1.7Gdmaps processor" means ;-)
But fortunately there's some information provided by a posting
you linked to:
"LimePad: [...] Processor is "1 GHz minimum Cortex". I assume they mean an ARM Cortex-A8 or A9, as they're the only ARM Cortex that run that fast."
On further observation it seems that the LimeNote on limepc.com equals the LimeLite in that posting. But there's also something really confusing: As far as I can see the MPC5121e based LimeBook "Z7" and "Z9" were renamed "A7" and "A9". But in the posting you linked to the following is said about the LimeBook A9:
"LimeBook A9: [...] "1 GHz minimum Cortex processor". From the name I would guess it is indeed an ARM Cortex-A9."