• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 274 from 2004/2/20
    From: Oslo, Norway
    This is great. 1st establish a project name 2nd talk about its progress with information about specs and other things and make community be with you on this 3rd When community gets interested, tell that to investors (give them link of interest) 4th Make a thread on amigaworld.net and morph.zone where you give people chances to come up with a name for this new PPC product. 5th .. Now you have both community and investors knowing that there is interests in this and that community supports you.

    People wants to help you out for sure! Its October and time for this is now :) Good luck and I hope you succeed. I really do.

    Michal, Amix
  • »03.10.09 - 08:49
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