• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1107 from 2003/6/11
    From: Białystok...

    ASiegel wrote:

    That being said, you can run four single-threaded applications on a quad-core machine and an SMP-capable OS will automatically manage to utilize all four cores rather than run the applications on the main core only.

    As it has been said many times, full SMP in MorphOS would be very hard to implement if possible at all. What I'm talking about is some kind of asymetrical multiprocessing (AMP), where one of cores is considered the main one, and the rest serve as a kind of "coprocessors". The kernel initializes all cores and starts a supervisor thread on every secondary core. This thread waits for messages from the kernel in idle state. When some application wants to launch a MProcess (short from "multicore capable process"), the kernel assigns one of secondary cores (it may be the main one as well if there is only one, or load balancer detects that the main core is the least loaded one). Then MProcess is added to the task scheduler of a core supervisor.
  • »30.09.09 - 15:46
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