• Butterfly
    Posts: 87 from 2007/5/26
    Nice initiative! But I think what the Amiga/Haiku/PPC market realy needs is a portable laptop, And still I havent heard that any of the hw players are planing any laptops!? why?
    PowerBook G4@1.5Ghz, 1Gb ram, MorphOS 3.12
    Amiga 1200, Blizzard 1220/4@28Mhz, 500Mb HD, 6mb RAM, Workbench 3.1
    AspireOne, 1Gb RAM, 160Gb HD, Icaros Desktop
    AmigaOne 500, 2Gb ram, AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition
  • »26.09.09 - 07:37