Posts: 79 from 2004/11/25
From: Sweden
Intressting topic I must say
The fact remains that 5121e is power efficient does not make it usable (esp. by the vast majority of users who are used to Vista or "sluggish" Linux. Btw, Linux can actually be very fast and efficient, you just skip KDE/Gnome.
I agree calling Linux sluggish is not really true, just look at distros such as Damn Small Linux or vectorlinux if you want speed.
But still, you're missing the point. My argument was not about efficiency, it was about using PowerPC and the 5121 in particular. However efficient LimeBook is, it just won't compete with the Atom and even the ARM-based netbooks. Face it, PowerPC is out of the picture.
Some questions that I find intressting.
I not very good at CPUs but is there any other ARM CPU than Freescales i.MX515 that is in the range for a netbook?
What makes ARM intressting instead of going with Intel Atom?
Is anyone using ARM in a computer today (as the main CPU?)?
[ Edited by robjoh on 2009/4/9 9:32 ]