Just looking around
Posts: 15 from 2004/7/24
>You signed up for MZ to post that?
I support ASUS.
>At least the guy in the test report hooked up a power meter,
The guy tested a desktop chipset.
>you just run your mouth.
You didn't look at the fine details. RMclock tool also shows the power consumption.
Must I post ASUS W3J with it's mobile 945 chipset wattage?
"Mobile Intel? 945GSE Express Chipset"
Note the "Max TDP 6 Watts"
Ordering items
1. 82945GSE Graphics and Memory Controller Hub (GMCH) FCBGA998 A3 6 Watts
2. 82801GBM I/O Controller Hub (ICH7M) PBGA652 B1 3.3 Watts
Total: 9.3Watts
Take note of "Valid Processor Combinations"
"Intel? Atom? Processor N270 (512K Cache, 1.60 GHz, 533 MHz FSB)"
Now for ASUS. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ASUS_Eee_PC
Note "Intel 910GML series" and "Intel 945GSE" for ASUS EeePC.
Try again Velcro_SP.
[ Edited by Hammer on 2009/4/9 3:39 ]
»09.04.09 - 02:36