Bladerunner wrote:
So, could you please stop that? ...
I am not the one who began the flame here... that was BBRV... I was just replying to a direct port to ME!
So please read the post before You want to tell me anything!
Also this "BBRV is spiltting the community" is boooring...
Yes it is borring, but it is still the trouth
...however accusing them everytime for a community split is stupid...
I for sure am only accusing BBRV for splitting the community, when he is making direct threads to try to split the community - try to have a look at the unprofessional thread AmigaTwo, that ran on AWN
What would you think if I come over to AWN, accusing Hyperion and Eyetech + several Individuals for killing the Amiga and splitting the community with their OS 4.0 attempt when there was allready a PPC Solution on the Horizon?
So please.. you don`t have to agree with me, but stop this stupid games.
I am not playing games here... I was making an objective reply to the post made by takemehomegrandma... again: please read the posts before posting!
Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund