• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 418 from 2004/2/19
    So, could you please stop that?
    This whole RoHS Discussion was allready completly ridicoulus over there at AWN and it doesn`t make more sense here. There still is a timeframe until the Peg has to be full RoHS compliant, and as you might have noticed many steps are allready taken. And please don`t tell this is all about care for our environment! If this was true you never would have bought an Aone...

    Also this "BBRV is spiltting the community" is boooring.
    First thing is, it seems you guys let split yourself by almost everything, just have a look on the current debate on AWN about X86...
    And second, when BBRV stepped in the Picture, the split was allready done. Sure they made mistakes in the Past and I even don`t agree with some decissions they made (but then, it is BBRV`s Business, not mine) however accusing them everytime for a community split is stupid.

    What would you think if I come over to AWN, accusing Hyperion and Eyetech + several Individuals for killing the Amiga and splitting the community with their OS 4.0 attempt when there was allready a PPC Solution on the Horizon?
    So please.. you don`t have to agree with me, but stop this stupid games.
  • »17.01.06 - 10:12