• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 221 from 2003/4/19
    >was 1. to split the AmigaOS4 users

    I wonder who will come up with the "united we stand, divided we fall" mantra of true believers next time. :-)

    Seehund is right about the HW lock-in, the glorious rebirth of Amiga will not happen, even the non-integrated UAE runs better on standard x86 systems. :-P

    >But trying ot "contact the users" instead of the ones that You should/could have as partners, is not helping anyone

    Oh, I thought the Amiga stuff was designed for the community and it is them who are making the buying decisions.

    >but this is not the proper way to make business.

    [no comment] :-D
  • »17.01.06 - 01:13