After all the moronic crap you posted on AW.net about RoHS compliance why would you even care what was posted here?
RoSH is for me very important, just like anything else that makes our world and our people live longer!
The other problem I had about Your posts on AW.net was about You trying ot split the community even more with Your posts... That is not the way to do business!
Quote:RoHS compliance is first and foremost a task for component suppliers not system integrators. Of course, it is important for us too, but this is more the way we and others like us view the problem:
It is still the "system integrators" job to figure out what components they may use... As there are products that does not need to live up to the RoSH directive (for example military and medical use), can the component suppliers still sell their non RoSH complient components... I know it is a jungle, but that life...
The dual support is the main difference. The Tsi110 steps up the I/O a bit more (4 GigE vs. 3 in the 109, 2x4PCI-Express and a PCI-X bus). We should have some good news out later this week or next with Tundra.
Am looking forward to have a look at your future products

Best regards,
hnl_dk - Henning Nielsen Lund