• Order of the Butterfly
    Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 430 from 2004/10/10
    From: Nella grande r...
    Hello Neko, Pleased to meet you.

    Seems from your words, that even HPC I e II are not about to be launced *SOON* on the market.

    At least they will be, but only for contractors (manufactured by Genesi and sold to third party with their brand name) and not as "Pegasi".

    What a pity.

    Any chance to see HPC I or HPC II on the market if tests will show that the hardware configuration works flawlessly?
    Is there any market plan to sell them directly by Genesi?

    Feel free to answer only if these informations are "not covered" by any NDA.



    P.S. (1): "High Performance Computer" is a very messy name.
    It is not the only problem!
    Any people, any buyer, any contractor from outside, searching for your motherboards on search engines will be literally flooded with redundant information noise regarding any "high performance computer" topic.

    Open Desktop Workstation is a very professional name but sounds void. Has no personality, and no appeal..

    Open Server Workstation is a cool name. Is it? It jokes both with the term "Server" and also with the term "Workstation"...
    But it could be misinterpreted (-is this computer a Server or is it a Workstation???-) and people could think at it as "not serious" or "not professional machine".

    "Pegasos" is a cool name.
    IMHO you must try to keep it for the entire line of products and leaving ODW, OSW and HPC as "second" names naming each of any PEGASOS models.

    P.S. (2): Regarding Open Server workstation and its double MPC 970 features...
    Have you heard of the announcing of new PPC G5 clone PWRFicient PA6T-1682M by P.A. Semi(conductors)???

    Sounds promising.

    Could it be (this is pure speculation) a valuable high performance and low consumption (5-13 watt) solution for the OSW motherboard???



    [ Edited by Raf_MegaByte on 2005/10/26 18:29 ]
    Bill Gates "Think!", Steve Jobs: "Think different!" So... Let these guy continue blabbering thinking and enjoy computing! We are on Amiga!
  • »26.10.05 - 11:26