OK, first, go to your
sys:morphos/prefs/mprefs drawer,
You'll notice that these files correspond to the different
settings options in your main "System" prefs.
Get rid of any extra "audio" or "ahi" pref files; the only one
you need for AHI settings is the "audio.mprefs" file (41216 bytes).
That should clear up the extra/unneeded garbage in your main "System"
Now, here's a brief description on installing AHI by hand
(I do expect you to fill in the blanks
Assuming we're starting from a freshly unarchived AHI 5.11 package in
RAM: (or wherever)
From the "L" drawer, file "ahi-handler" goes in sys:morphos/l
From the "C" drawer, "addaudiomodes" in sys:morphos/c
From the "Devs" drawer, file "ahi.device" goes in sys:morphos/devs
the contents of "dosdrivers" go in sys:morphos/devs/dosrivers, "AHI"
in sys:morphos/devs/AHI......etc. Copy over any 'older' files with the
newer ones found in the AHI package.
Specifically, you need "EMU10KX" file in sys:morphos/devs/audiomodes,
and "emu10kx.audio" in sys:morphos/devs/audio for your SB card.
You can safely ignore the "prefs" drawer, since we already handled that.
Hopefully all should work now.