3 Monitors on MorphOS?
  • Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
    Posts: 607 from 2007/7/29
    I found this picture: https://www.deviantart.com/walentywalewski/art/MorphOS-3-10-on-desktop-wallpaper-720580306

    So it is possible to run three video cards in X5000 with MorphOS to have three screens? Or is it a fake? Does someone know how to configure it? One must be a Radeon, one Voodoo and the third one? As far as I remember we can only use one Radeon card at the same time.
    Does it also work in other computers: G4 Macs, G5 Macs or Pegasos II?
  • »15.11.23 - 16:58
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2384 from 2003/2/24
    Some Radeons do support dual head, so 1 extra Voodoo might do the trick.

    I'm not sure if any cards supported on the X5000 have that enabled (might be limited to a few genuine Apple cards).
    Otherwise you would need to hunt something down what was supported by GRex, so Permedia would be a good guess.

    Or you use 2 cards and get the 3rd monitor with VNC and a rPi (or similar) driving it.

    As for the picture, it is not only clearly rendered but would still be fake if it wasn't as MorphOS does not support pivot (the outside monitors are at 90°) or maybe you could "fix" that with 2 VNC sessions.
  • »15.11.23 - 17:05
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1054 from 2004/9/23
    In theory my setup should be able to do so, if I had this stupidly expensive "square" DVI display adapter for my Radeon 9000.

    Currently I have a Voodoo and a Radeon9000 plugged in a PowerMac933 G4 Mhz using it with two displays on a daily basis.
  • »15.11.23 - 17:13
  • Moderator
    Posts: 2384 from 2003/2/24
    Are you sure about that?

    AFAIR that is still the 9000Pro you got from me with just 64MB and AFAIK no R200 has dual head support.
    If I'm mistaken I should be able to pull that off with the Voodoo and 128MB 9000nonPro that I have in mine.

    I might also have a spare ADC-DVI adaptor if thats whats missing, but I'm again pretty sure you won't get any further than mirror mode.
  • »15.11.23 - 17:38
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 1054 from 2004/9/23

    Kronos wrote:
    Are you sure about that?

    AFAIR that is still the 9000Pro you got from me with just 64MB and AFAIK no R200 has dual head support.
    If I'm mistaken I should be able to pull that off with the Voodoo and 128MB 9000nonPro that I have in mine.

    I might also have a spare ADC-DVI adaptor if thats whats missing, but I'm again pretty sure you won't get any further than mirror mode.

    I remember cyfm was eager to test something with my card. Not sure about dual head or just the port, but for just using digital output that adapter would be too expensive. Could also be swapping the card with the one in my G5. I usually don't care about what gfx card I use as long as it works. :D
  • »15.11.23 - 21:16
  • Just looking around
    Posts: 4 from 2022/4/23

    connor wrote:
    Or is it a fake?

    I love the replies which are showing you ways you could actually do this... That's why this community is so cool!

    That said, the image is clearly fake to some extent. The keyboard shows that the image has been flipped horizontally, so the images on the monitors have to be faked. That said, it's great that MorphOS looks cool enough to be their go to OS for the faking of a good looking desktop environment!
  • »16.11.23 - 10:12
  • MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 537 from 2003/4/11
    From: Germany

    jPV schrieb:
    There's a link to the original screenshot that's been used in the image. MorphOS in that screenshot is registered to Frank Mariak :)

    AFAIR, this monitor image looks pretty much like a setup I used for some early MorphOS on Cyrus P5020 presentation which roschmyr prepared for me back then - so all this setup seen there definitely feels like some mockup ...
  • »17.11.23 - 15:54
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