MorphOS Developer
Posts: 1054 from 2004/9/23
jacadcaps wrote:
R.I.P. G4. :)
But honestly, unless you can make it operate below 85C, don't do it. Even better, aim for 75C. While those CPUs can operate hotter, the hotter it gets, the shorter its lifespan (and mind that it's already past it's intended life span).
I had a passive cooled G4 for about 10 years. It was a mod, made by AKnabe, and worked completely silent. I returned the CPU board a few years ago as I did not require the additional CPU power anymore, as I replaced it with a PowerMac. I reinstalled the original G3.
So it is possible to create a passive cooled system, but you should know what you are doing. It was a stock board and not overclocked.
The cooler was massive and the CPU board had an additional support structure to not bend/break the slot on the board itself. Breaking just the CPU board is more expensive than a "new" Mac. Breaking all together is a disaster.
I would still replace it with a different system. Remember a PowerMac 933Mhz is still faster than the Pegasos2 due to RAM Speed.
[ Edited by geit 01.11.2023 - 15:52 ]