Priest of the Order of the Butterfly
Posts: 711 from 2004/2/10
Wanted to share that I got high resolutions screens working in MorphOS on my 4k monitor.
Right now I running in Ambient in 2560 x 1440 24bit and it works perfect so far, real nice to have serious real estate to use. I probably can get 3840 x 2160 working with more playing around but this resolution is really as high as I want to go on 27" So who would have thought that 4k was available in MorphOS.
I also had to tweak one of the screenmodes in Monitors to get them working, just copied a working lower resolution one and used that as a basis.
I'm using my same X1900 PPC Bios PCIe video card and I'm using a cheap DVI to DP converter. Please make sure you get the powered version of the converter or it will NOT work.