• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 537 from 2003/4/11
    From: Germany

    Andreas_Wolf schrieb:
    > It is also a pretty safe bet that none of the Evergreen based cards
    > work for MorphOS currently (in a PMac G5), at least I didn't manage
    > to run any of those which I have available. […] I only managed to run
    > some HD2xxx/HD3xxx cards on my PMac PCIe G5 so far.

    This reminds me that last year I posted a small list of cards that had been reported to work:

    And it is still as useless as last year without any detailed info on memory size and/or vendor plus output connector options added for most cards to at least get an idea of what might be different.
  • »20.08.23 - 14:10
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