• MorphOS Developer
    Posts: 510 from 2003/4/11

    Andreas_Wolf wrote:
    I just watched ssolie's AmiWest 2022 talk on ExecSG, where he also mentions the need for a firmware update for the X5000 (and others) in order to make use of OS4 with multicore-enabled ExecSG currently under development. Summary as follows:

    "Solie is also responsible for firmware updates. The U-Boot versions for X5000 and A1222 plus not only received various bug fixes, but will now also correctly initialize the additional cores of the multi-core CPUs used in these machines. Firmware updates will be distributed "soon" via A-EON. Once they're installed, the respective computers will then be "multi-core ready"."

    Does the opening posting of this thread still apply, now that it's 2 years later?

    This is exactly what my initial post on this thread refers to, so yes, it very much still applies.
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  • »27.10.22 - 12:11
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