zukow wrote:
Hi, some remarks from your unsupport team.
1. Prepare a CD with MorphOS 3.12
- for quick test you can put HD from existing PowerMac G5 AGP machine to PCIe one
- sound is supported
- ide is supported
- sata is supported
- usb is supported
- fans handling is supported
- temperature sensors are supported
- onboard lan is not supported
- pcie Rs232 cards for getting debuglog may work (but i have one and it doesn't)
2. Add some supported Radeon card
Many thanks to MorphOS developers. I had my quad G5 three years at home for this moment.
Everything works fine as written, I succeed to buy cheap original powermac X1900. Now I waiting only for ordered NIC adapter and then I can register another MorphOS.
some quick notes:
- performance is great, Quake 3 = 60.1fps, Tower57 = 62fps, 1941 = 140fps
- internal speaker allways on. Is this my HW problem or is it connected with OS+mixer? I will check later with linux and MacOS
- graphics board detected correctly, Utilities/GraphicBoard don't show frequencies
- System monitor recognizes two CPUs.
- SDLBench crashes, but SDL games works
- GraphicSpeed crashes at the end - it can be connected with unregistered MOS and slowing down ?
- USB mouse don't work after boot. (wrong port status 0103). Restart of Poseidon doesn't help, plug and unplug yes.
Good work!!!
[ Edited by sailor 26.11.2019 - 20:27 ]AmigaOS3: Amiga 1200
AmigaOS4: Micro A1-C, AmigaOne XE, Pegasos II, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, Sam460LE, AmigaOneX1000
MorphOS: Efika 5200b, Pegasos I, Sam460LE, Pegasos II, Powerbook G4, Mac Mini, iMac G5, Powermac G5 Quad